Global Water Security Issues (GWSI) Issue No. 4 - Water security and cities : integrated urban water management

2023.12.19 09:44:58 | 642
Department Research and Development Team
Published Date 2023
Author UNESCO & i-WSSM
Publisher UNESCO
Language English
ISBN 978-92-3-100641-8


Water security and cities: integrated urban water management


Urbanization is one of the major global challenges. Sustainable urban water management is essential for ful¬filling basic human rights, reducing impacts on water resources and the environment, and supporting social and economic development.


Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) provides a long-term strategic framework to manage urban water systems and urban ecosystems in an integrated manner, by considering all water services and uses, as well as their interactions with hydrological, ecological and social systems. It aims to provide the basis for sustainable water resource management practices. IUWM allows water managers and decision-makers to view the whole urban water cycle as one resource management cycle, encourages stake-holder engagement, pursues social equity and seeks economic efficiency and environmental sustainability. Under IUWM, various barriers (e.g., institutional and legal) that are often encountered in conventional urban water management can be overcome.


The fourth Issue in the Global Water Security Issues (GWSI) Series presents case-studies of the implementation of IUWM, including policy and regulatory frameworks, institutional responsibilities, public engagement and education activities, innovative technologies and approaches, and monitoring and assessment practices. Disseminating and upscaling IUWM implementation practices will help address water challenges faced by cities and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


Link: Water security and cities : integrated urban water management - UNESCO Digital Library



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